Pricing Plans For Every Business

Coming Soon



$ 0.00

Free Challenges

  • 5 AI Feedback Calls
  • First section of all Courses
  • Apply to Eligible jobs
  • Unlock 1 course for Free

    Invite 5 students and unlock a course

Per Course

$ 200

Per Course

  • All in free
  • 15 AI Feedback Calls
  • 1 Full Course to Upgrade
  • Certification & Recommendation (Coming Soon)

    We will provide you with a certificate and detailed recommendation on our site and on LinkedIn

Annual Membership

$ 700

Unlimited Courses

  • All in free
  • 100 AI Feedback Calls
  • Stand Out to Employers

    You will be show up at the top for employer searches

  • Certification & Recommendation(Coming Soon)

    Employers will see your profile first in their searches


Annual Membership

$ 500/Student

Annual Student Membership

  • Same as Annual Student Membership
  • Minimum 5 Active Student Accounts
  • You Control Active Students
  • You Control Student Access To Jobs

Need more than 20 Active Students

Advertisement Plan

  • Coming Soon
  • Advertise Your Academy or Bootcamp to a large network of Students and Employers



$ 0.00

Free Plan

  • Search For Students

    identify and see student progress in your desired programming language

  • Post upto 5 jobs for free wIthout Assessement
  • Post 1 job for free with Assessment
  • Invite applicants For Jobs


$ 2000/Year

Post Jobs

  • All in free
  • Post up to 20 jobs for free with Assessment
  • AI Feedback on All Assessments

    Our AI will go through and assess the code on a subjective and give detailed score - Understand the problem , providing solutions, clean code, proper variable names


$ 500/Student

Annual Student Membership

  • Same as Annual Student Membership
  • Minimum 5 Active Student Accounts
  • You control Active Students
  • You control Access To Jobs
  • Run On-Prem Assessment (Coming Soon)