Welcome Employers

Find & Train Your Next Tech Talent on FresherByte

Why Hire from FresherByte?

Hire from our pool of candidates already learning and challenging themselves on our platform

Verified Skills

Our candidates have completed coding challenges and courses, proving their skills.

AI Assessment

Get insights into candidates' coding abilities through our AI assessment.

Diverse Talent Pool

Access a diverse pool of talented candidates from various backgrounds.


Posting jobs and assessing candidates on our platform is cost-effective.

Post Your Jobs For Free

Having trouble sorting through hundreds of resumes?

Utilize our assessment as part of your initial screening process

Add one or more assessments for candidates to complete as part of the job application so you can sort out the candidates' knowledge and skills easily.

Use our automated scoring engine

Our automated scoring engine will give you an overall score and the score for each individual question. You can also view their code submissions to get a detailed perspective.

Utilize our AI Code Review Copilot

In addition to our scoring engine, you can also choose to have our AI code review copilot review the code submission from a qualitative perspective.

Utilize our automated proctoring engine (coming soon)

Utilize our automated proctoring engine, at the beginning of assessment, the students camera and screen share will start recording and you can see video of them taking the assessment.

Find a human proctor

Find one of our trained human proctors to supervise the assessment. Or use one of your own employees to proctor it for you.

Train Your Interns and New Hires

In addition to fifinding top talent, FresherByte o!ers a unique opportunity for employers to invest in the growth of their interns and new hires. You can now purchase our training platform for your interns and employees to enhance their coding skills and prepare them for success in your organization.

How does it work?

Employer student accounts are special accounts that are controlled by the employer. By default, these students are only visible to the employer. The student also cannot access the jobs module.

If the employer chooses, they can release the account and make it public. This is done in cases where the student cannot be employed by the employer but they are taking goodwill measures to find new jobs for them.

Some your student may need to be trained in Java, others in Python. You can pick and choose the course list that is relevant for each individual student.

No need for you to review and monitor their code. Our automated scoring engine will give you a complete breakdown on all your students. Of course, if you want to review their code, all their code submissions are available to you.

In addition to our scoring engine, you can also choose to have our AI code review copilot review the code submission from a qualitative perspective.

If you want to have a complete hands off process, find coaches within our platform that can maintain a direct relationship with the students and guide them and can also act as your eyes and ears on promotability within your organization.

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