Welcome Educators

Are you a school, college, experienced programmer or training academy? Consider partnering with us.

Why Partner with FresherByte?

FresherByte offers educators a platform to effectively train their own students and also recruit individual students as well as employer-based students.

Training Resources

Access a wealth of coding challenges and learning materials.

Student Monitoring

Monitor your students' performance and progress on our platform.

AI Code Review Copilot

Get insights into candidates' coding abilities through our AI assessment.

Recruit Students

Recruit individual students and employer students to join your value added programs

A fresh method of imparting knowledge

FresherByte empowers educators to enhance their students’ learning experiences. You can now partner with us to purchase our platform, allowing you to monitor student progress, provide training, and run your own coding masterclasses.

How does it work?

Educator student accounts are special accounts that are controlled by the employer. By default, these students are only visible to the educator and jobs module will be closed.

When a student is ready, the jobs module and visibility can be opened. You can also release the student profile and make it public if you choose to do so.

Some your student may need to be trained in Java, others in Python. You can pick and choose the course list that is relevant for each individual student.

No need for you to review and monitor their code. Our automated scoring engine will give you a complete breakdown on all your students. Of course, if you want to review their code, all their code submissions are available to you.

In addition to our scoring engine, you can also choose to have our AI code review copilot review the code submission from a qualitative perspective.

Conduct value added Master Classes on top of our platforms and recruit individual students and employer students to join.

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